Basic executive secretarial skills
Executive secretarial is an important administrative function in any organization, where the executive secretary plays a vital role in supporting managers and accomplishing office tasks. In light of the rapid developments in the business world, it has be
Description of the training program (training course)
Executive secretarial is an important administrative function in any organization, where the executive secretary plays a vital role in supporting managers and accomplishing office tasks. In light of the rapid developments in the business world, it has become necessary for the executive secretary to be aware of the latest skills and knowledge, so that he can keep pace with business requirements and achieve the organization's goals.
The general objective of the training program
Developing the skills of the executive secretary in various fields, which helps them perform their duties efficiently and effectively, and achieve the goals of the organization in which they work.
Detailed objectives of the training program
1. Identify the concept of the executive secretariat and its functions.
2. Developing effective communication and report writing skills.
3. Developing skills in dealing with e-mail and correspondence.
4. Mastering the art of handling the phone and receiving visitors.
5. Developing time organization and task management skills.
6. Develop file and document management skills.
7. Developing administrative and organizational skills.
8. Providing participants with skills in using modern secretarial programs.
9. Developing skills for dealing with crises and work pressures.
10. Developing emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills.
Course information
- Course start date : 2023-04-22
- Duration : 3
- Hours: 12
- Number of seats: 1000
- studying days : from الأحد to الخميس
- Study time : 19:00 - 22:00
- Training period: مسائي
- training type: